Do you have any of these items at home that you don't want anymore? Bring them (CLEAN!) to the Art Room so we can make some eco-friendly art out of them! The pictures below give examples, but not limits. If you think you have something cool we could use, send me an email or bring it on in! Happy collecting!!!
String, Yarn, Ribbon, Thread, even clean Shoelaces! Bring in the Spools from thread, yarn and string, too!

Used Tape Spools

Metal Caps, Lids and Tabs (please do not bring these in if they come from an alcoholic beverage and have the brand name stated on the cap)

Egg Cartons - especially the Styrofoam and plastic kind

Glue Nozzles (please don't detach the orange part from the white part if it has not already come apart)

All Kinds of Marker and Pen Caps!

Toilet Paper and Paper Towel Rolls
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